
Another one?

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Again, this is the one from Derpzumi's profile.

1) The Once-ler (young 2012 movie version)
2) Jabra
3) Sanji
4) Sabo
5) The Lorax (2012 movie version)
6) Ferb
7) Iceberg
8) Miss Doublefinger
9) Luffy

1 woke you up in the middle of the night?
Get ya own bed out of the river. I'm not doing it for you.

2 asks you to go out with them?
Great, you can help with my Zen garden project.

3 walks into the bathroom when you're showering?
Dear God....where's Chopper?

4 is going to marry 9 tomorrow?
Aw, cute. Kinda.

5 cooked you dinner?
Yay! Pancakes!

6 is lying next to you on the beach, sleeping?
He wouldn't, he'd be off building something with Phineas.

7 confesses to be part of your family?

8 got into hospital somehow?
Uh...walked into a wall? (uncreative answers incorporated)

9 makes fun of your friends?
Just call him a vegetarian, he'll shut up cause he thinks you're gonna take his meat.

10 ignores you all the time?
He's working on his next inator, leave him alone.

Two serial killers are hunting you down.What will 1 do?
Smother them in thneeds!!!

You're on holiday with 2 and manage to break your leg. What will 2 do?
Put a cast on it and paint it like a giraffe.

It's your birthday! What will 3 give you?
A fancy feast! With weird sandwiches!*

You're in a house on fire! What will 4 do?
Jump in and help me.

You're about to do something embarrassing. What will 5 do?
Make fun of me?

You're about to marry 10. What is 6's reaction?

You got dumped by some-one. How will 7 cheer you up?
Let me make the Titanic joke.

You're angry about it after, how will 8 calm you down?
Stand within 10km of Paulie and wait for spaz attack.

You're in a tournament. How does 9 support you?
Just by being himself. He's a very motionavational guy, you know.

You can't stop laughing. What will 10 do?
Tell me one of his tragic backstories starring the worst parents of the millenium.

1 is all you've ever dreamed of. Why?
BUT FIRST! Na, na, na, na , na, na na na na, na na na na na.

2 tells you about his deeply hidden love for 9. What is your reaction?
Didn't see that coming!

Your dating 3 introduce them to your parents. Will they get along?
My mum quite likes Sanji (I always talk about the latest chapter/episode with her so she's well informed of One Piece), so yeah, guess so. Then again, she also likes Spanda.

4 loves 9 as well. What does this mean?
It means "I thought they got married earlier in this meme"

Will 5 and 6 ever kiss?
Phineas and Ferb is full of surprises.

6 appears to be a player, they break many hearts. What do you do?
Tell him Vanessa was dating Monty Monogram. (and then they broke up)

You had a haircut and 7 can't stop looking at you. What goes on in your mind?
...wait? What? Me? A haircut? Nah...

8 thinks they'll never get a boy/girlfriend. What do you tell them?
Well, you must admit, you try way too hard.

Number 9 gives you a bagel. Do you eat it?
If Luffy hasn't already.

1 offers you a CD. Considering their tastes, do you take it?
If the music he likes is as epic as the music he makes, then yes.

2 goes all emo.What does 8 do?
Tells him she's taking off her clothes.

4 slaps 9 with a fish for going out with 7.
Luffy! How could you cheat on your own brother!

6 got high.
He flew the rocket into Vanessa's house and raped her.

7 comes up to you in a big pink dress. Your reaction?
Here, Paulie, Paulie, Paulie.

8 reads your fanfics and complains. Why?

9 hates 1, how will they react when 1 spills soda on them?

1 comes in and tells you they're pregnant from 2?
Once-ler, there are a million fangirsl out there who would give their right boob to have sex with you, and yet you did it with Jabra.

3 goes swimming. Do you go with them?
Wearing a waterproof boiler suit so he won't have a nosebleed.

5 is having a birthday party. What is the theme?
Truffula trees!

6 and 1 have a deep conversation. What about?
Ferb says nothing. Once-ler rambles on about thneeds.

7 stalks 9 home. What does 10 do about it?
*I like odd sandwich fillings, like grape and cheese and banana and chocolate spread.

Well done if you get everything in this.

I own no characters in this, they all belong to their respective owners.
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Derpzumi's avatar
Very motionavational.